The goals of the
Service University project are to develop the professionalism and build up the technical skills of Ferretti Group Dealers and Service Point Managers by setting up a preferential communication channel between them, in order to improve the quality of service received by the end customer.
A wide range of courses have therefore been made available, teaching subjects ranging from managerial skills to customer satisfaction, as well as more specific technical and operational subjects.
The programme is divided into the following modules:
- GENERAL MODULES, dealing with subjects common to all Ferretti Group companies, and organised by the Group
- SPECIFIC MODULES, dealing with topics related to the individual Group brands, and organised and managed by the companies in their own offices, according to the shipyard's specific requirements.
A total of 33 training days were held, covering the 18 modules in the catalogue in both Italian and English, for over
220 participants from all over the world.
The general interest courses dealt with topics such as improving customer communications and the quality of the service provided to them; design and service procedures common to all Group companies; monitoring and control systems, and on-board Naviop equipment.
Ferretti Yachts, Pershing and Riva shipyards were involved in this year's Service University.
Ferretti Yachts has always devoted time and energy to training, organising its first courses as far back as the early nineties.
Unlike previous editions, this year the programme was organised on the basis of different professional groups (shipyard foremen, electricians, plumbers etc.), and comprised courses tailored to the specific requirements of those taking part:
- FIBREGLASS: the technicians who attended this course compared opinions and experiences on possible problems, and were shown the solutions recommended by the shipyard
- NEW MODELS: participants were able to familiarise themselves with the onboard systems and instruments installed on new model yachts built during the year.
Cutting-edge technology has always been one of Pershing's core values, enabling the company to remain a benchmark for the world nautical sector.
In order to maintain these high standards, Pershing has created a specialised service network able to provide efficient service for all the yachts it produces.
In order to increase the quality of this service even further,
Pershing dedicated the Service University refresher and training courses to its Service Points, organising them at its Mondolfo shipyard.
The courses also involved some suppliers, and concentrated mainly on electronics and onboard systems. More than 100 Dealer and Service Point network technicians from around the world attended the event, proving the great interest generated by the project.
Lessons were held in a lab classroom which had been specially fitted out for the occasion with fully functional equipment, which was used to simulate product faults. The technicians were thus able to experience and resolve real problems of varying levels of difficulty, learning how to react in given situations. They also role played telephone conversations with the shipyard (a common experience throughout their workdays), during which they had to follow instructions from Pershing's Customer Services Manager.
Service University was also held in Riva for the very first time. Technicians from over 15 countries, as well as some suppliers, attended the technical courses on electric and hydraulic systems, gangways and canopies for 33- to 72-foot yachts. The courses were held at the historic head office in Sarnico, where the theory learnt in the classroom was combined with visits to the shipyard to see it put into practice.
Alongside the courses open to all participants, two specialist courses were held for the very first time. Technicians were selected from Service Points according to the requirements of the yachts they work on in their countries:
- Painting of wood and metal: participants received a detailed illustration of the techniques required to touch up the special paints used on Riva hulls and decks, and wooden details on the exteriors. The technicians were given the opportunity to practise these painting techniques themselves.
- In-depth examination of the new Opera 85 yacht: the aim was to familiarise participants with all the aspects of the yacht.